Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekly Winners : 25 - 31 Jan

Praying mantis
Delicate flowers of Hebe
Iceberg rose
... dead-head me, please .. !

Pretty petunia

Changing hues of the hydrangea

Against the wall

Tucked away

Emerging 'stone flower'

Surprise !!!.. ... it's yellow!!
Back to reality ....
For more Weekly Winners, please visit Lotus


  1. How lovely your weekly winners are! I love "Back to reality" - YUP! Week end over and its month end tomorrow - back to reality in the real sense of the word! LOL!

  2. Love them Mom!! That rock flower is lovely, and my favourite has to be the moss!

  3. I love succulents. All around my pool are pots with succulents in them and I also have a rock garden. They just have something to them... plus the fact that if you forget to water them or go away for a while they won't die. My absolute favourite is the moss photo as well. Well captured.

  4. Good ones! I've never seen a flower grow out of a stone. Interesting.

  5. Hello on this Sunday evening...

    You have taken some amazing photo's..I love the brinks and the, you have been creative and busy this week...I have been cleaning and not doing much with my camera...:(

  6. Oh beautiful flora shots! If you have free time, you should consider logging these in!

  7. Oh wow. Do you use a special lens for those?

  8. I love the against the wall and the tucked away photos. Great set!

  9. Thanks everyone for your comments
    Mommy Melee - nope - no special lens!
    Vicky - will try.
    Marcelle - cleaning house is a good thing too!!
    Firefly - I agree with you on the succulent thing - am getting to like them more and more!

  10. I love that last one best, but they're all great pictures!!
