Saturday, October 11, 2008

learning curve

Oh my .. this is a learning curve !! I was doing so well with downloading a photo and adding a 'story' and then I deleted the whole thing trying to go back to edit it. Think I need help there, J ?!! How do I label photo - 'tiny deep blue lobelia' ? and how do I change layout (photo back to centre and text below it) - let me try 'publish post' again- pls don't be deleted again !!!!!


  1. I see the time of posting is way out as it's 4.20PM!

  2. hi mom, I can see it.
    When you load the photo, make sure that you select "centre" as the alignment option - and you can set that as the default.
    And then press enter to make the writing go to the bottom.

    For the times, go to the settings and make it GMT+2 hours.
