Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am changing ....

.... 'cos Mr Blogger says I've used up my photo quota ...

soooo ... going to try this now ...

but that's as far as I've got .. ' me of little brain ' .. I am now stuck ! J says she will help me ... yay for clever daughters !!!

Sooo .. I will be back with all my topsy-turvy stuff and photos ! Thank goodness my anxiety levels are balanced .. !! Yoga, psychologist, amazing (and patient) family, wonderful friends, prayers have all contributed to my positive attitude which has crept back .. slowly but surely !!! I can face the world again ! :) :)

Watch this space !


  1. I will keep an eye on this space till you tell us you are up and going elsewhere. Good luck. Hope J can help.

  2. Hi Avril, I do remember seeing that they limit your blog to a certain size The size of your photos will determine how quickly you fill up your quota. I keep my photos to a fairly low resolution
